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Healing Refuge Recovery Home in Concord, CA


Mike and Shirley have been missionaries for 55 years in leadership with the addicted poor at Peniel Missions/World Gospel Mission, Cityteam, RESTORE and now at COMPASSION-CONNECTIONS.

COMPASSION-CONNECTIONS, is providing “Holistic Bible-based Healing with the Hurting – from devastations and dysfunctions.  

Our 2022-2025 goals are:

  • To mentor those in long-term addiction recovery alumni from 1968 to now.

  • Oversee and direct our Healing Refuge Home for men from prison who need addiction recovery.

  • To continue to advise and instruct those who are opening addiction recovery centers.

  • To coach churches in doing outreaches with the homeless, incarcerated, and the poor who especially may be struggling with addictions.

  • To advise in establishing After-Care Recovery Homes for the dually diagnosed–mentally ill and addicted.

  • To help with church meetings with the homeless-unhoused and the addicted poor.

  • To facilitate one-on-one and group caregiving with those who have experienced childhood and other traumas.

Mike and Shirley are trained in Healing Care Ministries and classes with Life University, a part of the American Association of Christian Counselors, which give practical tools to help those who have experienced trauma from childhood and life as well as those who are dealing with mental health issues.  Mike is currently practicing what he is learning by mentoring individuals with traumas.

Mike is helping start and enhance addiction recovery/aftercare homes in Colorado, also in our own Bay Area, and in other places around the nation.

Mike and Shirley are both mentoring our graduates to help them experience deeper healing from childhood issues.


Our Clients Say

"God did some tremendous miracles in my life. I graduated from the program in January 2021; I had my record expunged, graduated from the Peer Support Specialist Program with Contra Costa County."


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